TUJ Dean Wilson (left) escorts Meiji President Ueno (right) on a campus tour. Photo by Alexander Hambas (TUJ student)

Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) welcomed Meiji University President Masao Ueno and his delegation on July 11, 2024. This visit marked President Ueno’s first trip to TUJ since assuming his role in April. TUJ’s senior leadership, including Dean Matthew Wilson and Senior Associate Dean Chie Kato, guided the Meiji delegation around the campus, discussing the potential for expanding academic collaboration.

President Ueno’s arrival at TUJ follows Dean Wilson’s April visit to Meiji’s Surugadai Campus. Furthermore, a delegation from Temple University, including President Richard Englert and Senior Vice President and Provost Gregory Mandel from the Main Campus, traveled to Meiji in May during their time in Japan for TUJ’s graduation ceremony. The latest meeting included Meiji representatives Kyoko Koma, Vice President of International Affairs and Professor of the School of Information and Communication; Rumiko Oyama, Deputy Director at the Headquarters of International Collaboration and Professor at the School of Arts and Letters; and Ayako Yokogawa, Professor at the Organization for International Collaboration.

TUJ started its exchange program with Meiji’s School of Arts and Letters in 2014. In an agreement between both universities in 2022, Meiji expanded the exchange program to include all 10 of its schools. The credit transfer program allows students from both universities to take courses at the other university while paying tuition to their home institution. The students at both universities can count the credits obtained at the host university towards their graduation if the requirements are met. Additionally, Temple University and Meiji University offer a dual-degree program, through which Meiji students can earn a bachelor’s degree from Meiji University and a master’s degree from Temple University by studying for two years at Temple’s main campus in Philadelphia, starting the fall semester of their senior year.

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