TUJ leaders visit Meiji University’s Sugugadai Campus. Meji President Ueno (center left), TUJ Dean Wilson (center) and TUJ Senior Associate Dean Kato (center right). Photo provided by Meiji University.

Dean Matthew Wilson and Senior Associate Dean Chie Kato of Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) visited Meiji University’s Surugadai Campus on April 18, 2024, marking their inaugural meeting with President Masao Ueno, who recently assumed office. Through this meeting, Temple and Meiji further strengthened the relationship that was established when the two universities commenced their credit exchange program a decade ago.

The meeting was attended by senior faculty members from Meiji, who joined to discuss a variety of topics aimed at enhancing collaboration between the two universities. Among Meiji’s participants were  Kyoko Koma, Vice President of International Affairs and Professor of the School of Information and Communication; Rumiko Oyama, Deputy Director at the Headquarters of International Collaboration and Professor at the School of Arts and Letters; Ayako Yokogawa, Professor at the Organization for International Collaboration; and Hiroshi Iizuka, General Manager of International Collaboration.

Dean Wilson discussed TUJ’s array of accomplishments, including the major expansion into Kyoto in 2025 that was announced in February. Senior Associate Dean Kato expressed her satisfaction with the ongoing success of the credit transfer program between TUJ and Meiji University.

President Ueno echoed the views of TUJ leadership and praised the credit transfer program for providing an opportunity for Meiji students to experience international education in a multicultural environment when they cannot easily study abroad. “The significance of collaborating with foreign universities lies in the depth of the exchange and TUJ has certainly demonstrated this. Therefore, we will maintain our close collaboration with them,” Ueno was quoted on Meiji’s website.

TUJ started its exchange program with Meiji’s School of Arts and Letters in 2014. In an agreement between both universities in 2022, Meiji expanded the exchange program to include all 10 of its schools. The credit transfer program allows students from both universities to take courses at the other university while paying tuition to their home institution. The students at both universities can count the credits obtained at the host university towards their graduation if the requirements are met. Temple University and Meiji University also offer a dual-degree program for graduate students, where Meiji students study at the main campus in Philadelphia.

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